Audioquest Dragonfly V 1.2
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Acest lucru se datorează de cele mai multe ori faptului că producătorul Audioquest a încetat să mai fabrice acest model sau l-a înlocuit cu unul mai performant.
Drives Headphones Directly
Variable Output Drives Powered Speakers or Power Amp
Fixed Output Feeds Preamp or Receiver
Asynchronous Transfer Ensures Digital Timing Integrity
Accepts Music Files Up to 24-bit/96kHz Resolution
DragonFly is an affordable and easy-to-use device that delivers far superior sound by bypassing the poor quality sound card that is built into your computer. DragonFly is a sleek, flash drive sized Digital-Audio Converter that connects to a USB jack on a Mac® or Windows® PC, turning any computer into a true high- fidelity music source.
Whether you’re on the go or at home, listening on ear buds or connecting your computer to a stereo system, DragonFly reveals all the emotional expression and nuance that makes your favorite music, or movies, so enjoyable. However you connect it, DragonFly simply and easily makes any computer sound better.
How DragonFly Does It
The heart of DragonFly is the 24-bit ESS Sabre™ conversion chip, a high-performance solution that’s typically found in better CD and Blu-ray Disc™ players. DragonFly can accept audio and music files ranging from MP3s and CD-standard 16-bit/44kHz to native 24-bit/96kHz high-resolution, regardless of music file format. If your computer’s software can recognize and play a format, DragonFly will make it sound its best.
However, high-quality digital-audio conversion alone isn’t why DragonFly sounds great. How the audio data is transferred from the computer to DragonFly required particular attention from DragonFly’s design team. Remember that digital audio is stored on computers and delivered to DragonFly as streams of 1’s and 0’s. Making beautiful music out of 1’s and 0’s isn’t a case of simply getting all the music data from point A to Point B. Maintaining subtle digital timing relationships is crucial in order to be able to reconstruct the analog waveform that we hear as dialog or music.
Timing errors have long been the plague of digital audio playback, never more so than in recent years as computers have been pressed into service as audio source components. DragonFly uses a very sophisticated “asynchronous*” USB audio data transfer protocol. Rather than sharing crucial audio “data clocking” functions with the computer, DragonFly alone commands the timing of the audio data transfer, dramatically reducing digital timing errors. In addition, not all audio content is encoded at the same native resolution or “sample rate. ” DragonFly uses two discrete onboard “clocks” so that the math algorithms used to convert the digital audio data to analog are always optimized for the native sample rate of the audio file or stream being played. This ensures the least amount of mathematical manipulation to the native audio data, which results in fewer errors and better sound. A smart LED indicator on DragonFly shows the resolution of the incoming signal.
While the digital domain is where your computer- based music experience starts, the analog domain requires attention too. Digital volume controls too often reduce signal resolution and decrease sound quality. Even when the iTunes volume slider is used, DragonFly’s high-resolution analog volume control carries out the instructions in the analog domain for the best sound quality. And DragonFly’s analog circuits are direct-coupled from the ESS converter chip’s output, avoiding the need for any extraneous, sonically degrading components in the signal path.
All of these refinements allow DragonFly to make music with a natural solidity and clarity that is dramatically superior to the sound you would hear from your computer on its own.
REVIEW-URI PENTRU DAC Audioquest Dragonfly V 1.2
Desi doar azi l-am primit as vrea sa adaug ceva care pe unii ii poate scuti de mult timp de cautari pe forumuri. Daca doriti sa il folositi si cu un smartphone pe Android(Samsung SIII in cazul meu,alte versiuni ulterioare cred ca au driverele necesare)aveti nevoie in afara de un cablu OTG si de un player special pentru USB. Ca sa nu fiu acuzat de reclama cuiva cautati "USB audio player" :) Cat despre DAC/amp intr-adevar diferenta este destul de mare cat sa justifice cheluiala, eu il folosesc impreuna cu Sennheiser Momentum, cu un sistem stereo inca nu l-am incercat. Sper sa fie de folos informatia, de comandat am comandat online, "orbeste"fara surprize neplacute fapt pt care multumesc AVstore!
Am cumparat de curand acest DAC si amplificator de casti , fiindu- mi necesar pentru castile de casa din dotare si boxele de birou. Nu gasesc decat motive de lauda pentru aceasta mica jucarie de la Audioquest . In primul rand ,cu Dragonfly ,s-a schimbat sunetul radical in bine fiind mult mai clar si mai detaliat decat inainte . Este foarte practic, fiind de dinensiunea unui stick de memorie poate fi foarte usor de transportat fara a ocupa loc. Materialele din care este construit sunt de foarte buna calitate. Tin sa precizez ca a fost premiat cu 5 stele pe WhatHiFi si nu numai , avand multe premii date de expertii din domeniu. Il recomand!!! Nu in ultimul rand doresc sa-i multumesc lui Lucian si echipei de specialisti de la AVstore care m-au ajutat in luarea deciziei cat mai corect si obiectiv. Am testat in voie aparatul inainte de a-l cumpara
Acest dac/amp (versiunea 1.2) are exact marimea unui stick de memorie si o calitate audio incredibila. Il folosesc cu o pereche de casti (IEM) Sennheiser IE8 si toata muzica din calculator (in format FLAC) parca este alta - nu stiu ce sa re-ascult mai intai. Imi voi lua si un cablu OTG pentru a-l putea folosi si pe smartphone. Multumesc echipei AVSTORE care mi-a permis sa il testez in voie inainte de al cumpara - nota 10.
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