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    Convertoare USB->S/PDIF / Bucata

    Matrix Element H

    5.00 (1 review)
    Cod produs: elementh
    1.699 LEI
    In stoc showroom
    Solutii financiare
    Termen de retur de 14 zile
    Garantie 24 de luni


    Designed to increase the USB audio quality of your computer, element H increases the data transport quality and reduces the power supply noise, upgrading your PC Hi-Fi system at the source.

    Matrix Audio element H USB Interface

    Born for Hi-Fi

    The element H USB 3.0 interface is designed for increasing the USB audio quality of your computer. It increases the data transport quality and reduces the power supply noise, changing your PC Hi-Fi system from the source.

    Matrix Audio element H USB Interface

    Femtosecond Clock

    element H uses a Crystek CCHD-575 super-low noise femtosecond clock to coordinate with the USB 3.0 bridge chip from Texas Instruments and open up an independent data channel for the USB audio stream. This bypasses the USB controller integrated in the motherboard to avoid sharing data channels with other USB devices. That means a dedicated channel for unhindered audio performance.

    Matrix Audio element H USB Interface with femtosecond clock

    High-Quality Bus Power Supply

    The USB power supply of the element H integrates multiple filter units, uses solid capacitors and low noise high current LDO chips. Even if you use the USB internal power supply, it also can effectively eliminate the high-frequency noise caused by the PC switching power. The USB port can supply a maximum current of 5V/1.5A for all connected audio devices. It can also prevent devices from overloading or short circuiting.

    Matrix Audio element H components

    External Power Supply Supported

    SATA power uses 12V and is required when USB devices are connected to the element H. Internal and external power supplies are supported on element H. Choose your power supply configuration by sliding the switch on the side panel. You also can turn off the USB bus power supply for devices that contain an independent power supply.

    INT: Internal power supply - The element H will draw power for the USB device from the Sata 12V connection. The chips of the element H Card will still use 3.3V PCI-E bus power.

    EXT: External power supply - The element H will draw power for the USB device from the external power source. The chips of the element H Card will still use 3.3V PCI-E bus power.

    OFF: No power supply - The element H will stop outputting power from the USB bus. The element H card will still function. The chips of the element H Card will still use 3.3V PCI-E bus power. Do this when a USB DAC is connected to element H and does not need USB bus power. (These DACs provide their own USB bus power.)

    Power switch on Matrix Audio element H USB Interface

    Please note, although some USB DACs do not use USB bus power it still needs a 'device startup signal.' In this case, keep the SATA power connected to ensure that each startup can be successful, otherwise the USB DAC device may not be found. In that case you should use the 12v SATA power for your card.

    Matrix Audio element H USB Interface

    Superb Performance & Stylish Design

    With four-layer PCB of high-speed circuit design standard, strictly in according with high-speed circuit design specifications. The circuit meets the differential pair impedance standard and the equal line length demand. The CNC aluminum chassis prevents the radiated interference effectively, giving consideration to the heat dissipation requirements of the power supply chip on board.

    Matrix Audio element H circuit board

    REVIEW-URI PENTRU Matrix Element H

    1 reviews

    Dupa indelungi ezitari (din cauza pretului) am cumparat aceasta placa cu (din pacate doar) una mufa USB tip 3. Am cumparat-o mai ales pentru ca am dreptul sa o returnez. Nu mi-a trebuit nici 1 zi sa imi dau seama ca nu voi returna si practic, nu mai pot asculta fara aceasta placa USB! Diferenta e mult prea mare! As spune pe scurt, e ca si diferenta intre wav si mp3! Pare exagerat ce spun insa daca nu as fi comparat "la ureche" nu as fi crezut nici eu! Folosesc un DAC tip R2R (China) din categoria medie (nu ieftin) si am observat diferente chiar foarte mari intre cabluri si mufe USB, deci logica m-a dus la concluzia, CONTEAZA!. Ramanea doar problema economica. S-a rezolvat si asta, MERITA! Exista mici diferente chiar si intre diverse mufe USB pe placa de baza de la acelasi desktop (PC) si sunt chiar diferente intre calculatoare (pe acelasi OS, aceleasi softuri), de exemplu laptop-urile (nu folosesc MAC) suna mai prost decat actualul desktop marca Lenovo (Intel Xeon), deci aveam deja un PC bun (comparat si testat) insa nu ma asteptam la o asemenea imbunatatire a sunetului! Mai ales ca intre DAC si PC am si o interfata digitala de la acelasi producator chinez (intre PC si interfata am cablul USB A-B si apoi cablu tip HDMI transmite prin I2S catre DAC). Evident (pentru cine stie), chiar si cu aceasta interfata conteaza in continuare cablurile USB, HDMI (am testat multe - nu tot ce costa mult merita!) dar conteaza si mufele USB. Digitalul este extrem de capricios si sensibil. Pana nu de mult eram fan analogic insa din comoditate am trecut pe digital si stiam ca e nazuros, insa nici chiar asa! Digitalul este extrem de complicat si contrar povestilor, un digital DE CALITATE costa mult, poate chiar mai mult decat un analogic de calitate. In concluzie, placa aceasta USB face o diferenta incredibil de mare! Sincer nu mi-a venit sa cred, ma asteptam la doar "un pic mai bine" insa in cazul meu e nerusinata de mare diferenta! Recomand totusi mai ales celor care au un DAC (sistem) digital de calitate de la nivel mediu in sus (cateva mii euro). Insa ma astept ca pana si pe cele ieftine sa conteze, dar acolo conteaza si bilantul economic, sa nu coste mai mult mufa USB decat DAC-ul. Insa pentru cei cu sisteme medii e foarte recomandabil (chiar si cand aveti cabluri digitale excelente si chiar reclocking dedicat), nu mai spun de cei cu sisteme digitale top la care, daca folosesc USB, placa Matrix Element H nu trebuie sa lipseasca din lantul digital!


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    Disclaimer: Echipa încearcă să menţină acurateţea informaţiilor la Matrix Element H dar rareori acestea pot conţine mici inadvertenţe, ex: accesorii neincluse în preţ, specificaţii tehnice diferite, informaţii neactualizate despre preţ şi stoc. Ne poţi contacta oricând pentru a clarifica eventuale nelămuriri. Nu uita să menţionezi în corespondenţa ta numele exact al produsului - Matrix Element H
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